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Why Join In?

Joining in with community activities can offer numerous benefits for individuals and the community as a whole.

Making a Difference: This one seems most important to many people. Community activities often focus on making positive changes in the local area and contribute to improving your community, from clean-up efforts to social programs.

Sense of Belonging, Well-Being, Enjoyment, and Social Connection: Being involved in community activities can create a sense of ownership and attachment to your community. It can help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, fostering a sense of belonging. You’ll feel more invested in its well-being and success. Participation provides an opportunity of enjoyment, whether it is a community picnic, art class, or sports.

Strengthening Relationships: Can strengthen existing relationships with family and friends, as you can involve them in these activities or meet others who share similar interests.

Networking: Provides an opportunity to expand your social and professional networks.

Cultural Exchange: Can involve people from diverse backgrounds, allowing for cultural exchange and a broader understanding of different perspectives.

Civic Engagement: Community involvement can be a gateway to becoming more politically and socially engaged. You may become more informed about local issues and have a voice in shaping policies and decisions.

How to Join in

Modesto Neighborhoods, Inc. offers guidelines on how to form a group in the area you live. Following are three approaches you can consider:

Tier 1. Neighbor to Neighbor

Gatherings to get to know each other. These are usually small and include a few people within one or two blocks. This group can also participate in larger scheduled events countywide like National Night Out in August and Love Stanislaus (in your city) in April.

Tier 2. Communication Creates Connection

Gatherings for social connections such as picnics in the park, socials at a neighbor’s home or local business; solutions-oriented conversations such as meetings set up to discuss specific issues or improvement projects; and to be able to reach out to city/county agencies, or other non-profits and community groups for information and assistance. This type of group can also form a Neighborhood Watch Group through the Modesto Police Department or the Stanislaus County S.T.A.R.S. program to address crime and safety in your area.

Tier 3. Community Development

These groups can be designated neighborhoods or other community groups, which gather for social connection and to pursue projects for the enhancement of an area or interest. This may include being a part of Modesto Neighborhoods, Inc. (MNI), which provides liability insurance coverage for meetings and small gatherings along with Directors and Officers liability coverage. Also, if needed, an individual group bank account under the umbrella of MNI for purposes of fundraising and financial transactions is offered. Tier 3 groups are considered to be a part of Modesto Neighborhoods, Inc., a 501 c (3) nonprofit charitable organization and are to abide by the MNI By-Laws and Policies.

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